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Intermediary Rules 2021 – India

Intermediary Rules 2021 – India

May 25, 2021

The Ministry of Information and Electronic Technology and Ministry of Information and Broadcasting jointly bought an Intermediary Rules in Feb 2021. The act is applicable to all social media and OTT platforms. So, let’s see a small overview of this act.

Intermediary Rules 2021

  1. The social media platform with over 50 lakh users should have an Indian office address, which means they should have an office in India, where they could reach you in an emergency situation.
  2. There should be a compliance officer to address the grievance and coordinate with the law enforcement agency, and those appointees should be only Indians. If you post any truth, it can be removed by this act. ( No freedom of speech)
  3. The major rule in this act is, All social media should have the data of the first originator of the message shared on the platform. This means any tweet or post that goes viral should have the identification of the user from where it got originated.

There are few other rules which may or may not affect the freedom of speech and partial censorship of your social media. Well, this has happened in many countries earlier, where governments have controlled social media for their good.

These  Intermediary Rules will put a curtain on all activities which need attention. We the common people know about the power of social media.

Long back in 2015, the whole of India stood against protecting the internet through the #savetheinternet campaign to fight against net neutrality. And now we should opinionate our views on how good this Act will be good for Indian citizens.

New Rules From January 2021

2 Replies to “Intermediary Rules 2021 – India”

  1. Anonymous says:

    What does this mean though? Are the sites really being banned?

    1. Lijo Francis says:

      if they dont meet the compliance, thats is the future. ( arm twisting method of GOI )

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