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Millennials In Share Market

Millennials In Share Market

June 12, 2021

2020 Pandemic situation has brought many changes into our life, many would have started learning something new, like I ended up writing about personal finance on a site named after a fruit. Likewise after march 2020 share market has seen a number of new investors from the youngest age group. Yes !! the age of millennials in the share market.

If you would have noticed, even during lockdown the share market was running like it was a regular day. All stocks in line with green and red tags and trading shamelessly. There was no lockdown for Dalal Street. The business was on like a boss.

Long back share market used to be that forbidden place for many, why? because it had number, calculation, and money involved and you can lose all money. These are the words that were generalized about the share market. Like it was rocket science.

But this pandemic changed the whole scene, why? because people became keen to know and learn. Lots of young people who like to make some extra cash are investing in the stock market.

Share market used to be known as legalized gambling, but now it is more of like make money online with informed decisions.

So what made the difference now ???

Time !!! it made all the difference, during lockdown everyone was shut at home and had a lot of free time to know and learn the options to make money. People started to learn about the basics of the share market and started to invest.

Since the share market was digitalized, things were easy to get involved with mobile applications. And there are lots of materials available online to increase knowledge.

People could make some extra cash and a better return than a fixed deposit by spending a few mins online.

Few videos on Youtube and reading articles will fetch you enough knowledge to start trading and yes some money also.

Many brokerage firms are offering commission-free trading, which is encouraging first-time investors to share the market.

Compared to the older generation tech-savvy individuals feels easy to follow the market news and get mentored online from there favorite investors.

Nothing to the loose attitude of the young investors are making them take riskier calls.

Trading strategies became simple

For many, the goal was simple, make money. Choose a company that has strong fundamental ( means the company don’t disappear ) and buy the stock and sleep on it and sell it when it makes more than 8% or more ( I was happy with 8 %)

” Don’t buy a stock during it peak pricing ” do your research.

This seems to be less effort and some extra cash.

Stock market is game of patience, information and sentiments.

Since more young investors are foraying to share the market , it is the next big thing for Millennials.

Learn – How to invest in stock.

When returns are better than savings bank and fixed deposits why not try your hand on stock market ???

Stay tuned….

One Reply to “Millennials In Share Market”

  1. Anaida says:

    I am thoroughly enjoying the journey! Looking forward to reading more of your content

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