I started this blog to shout out to people about savings and investments. I don’t know if there is a wrong misconception that only savings will make you rich and financially independent. Am sorry people that’s not how it works. Save and Invest should be the mantra, Save and Invest are the two wheels that balance your financials.
We are all taught about savings, from school to parents they all teach don’t spend more money start saving. But, they don’t tell after saving start investing. Why ?? well they haven’t taught about it so they teach us the same.
Let me tell you the truth, money makes money, save money and put that money to work by investing. And why people don’t talk about investing ???. It is mostly because they are less aware or they are afraid to take risks.
By only saving you make the banks rich, so don’t do that. Divide your income, keep the emergency fund and expense in your bank, and excess money let go to the investment. Learn to know about various investments, take effort to learn. Money is not rocket science, it is simple all we need is to put some effort.
In a way, COVID-19 has made many people think about emergency funding, Including me. During the first wave of COVID, and months of lockdown with EMI and rents were survived by savings and freelance jobs, which gave me positive thoughts to afloat.
As a person with an engineering background, I thought finance is for MBA and B.com people, but after learning things on my own I realized it is a basic life skill. All people irrespective of their line of interest should learn about simple finance.
Start Investing, gain confidence by practice and be financial Independent.