Before starting let me tell you the truth, earning money online is not going to be easy as you think. You need patience and consistency to earn money online. These online jobs are an easy way to bring some extra cash.
Since the COVID-19 pandemic has put a new world order on the work front, more projects are based on work from home. I believe these collections of links will help you to earn money online from home during the COVID-19 lockdown.
Get your Paypal or Payoneer account before you venture to make money online.
Having a Cheap VPN Helps for few jobs.
This is the first thing you can do to earn money online, sell your existing skill. It can be a skill you acquired from school, college, or a hobby you cultivated. You can find the best freelance website below, create an account, put your skill and experience in your resume, and start applying for the job.
The best part of working as a freelancer is you can work anywhere, anytime and work in different locations.
Learn how to start freelancing and get your first job.
Get paid to test the website and Apps, find bugs, and write reviews about it and help developers to improve the sites. These are the site which pays people to know the user experience.
If you are good at listening and typing, you can find simple jobs to complete and earn money.
Jobs where you need to convert an audio or a telephone conversation into notes. If you have excellent hearing skills you can finish more jobs and work on large projects.
Are you good at reading? Then, you can help to create audiobooks. These sites employ people to read a book and convert them into audiobook versions.
If you are good at teaching, you can make use of these skills and get paid for it. You will be taking classes online on the subjects your signup for, all these classes has to be taken online or with pre-recorded videos.
Yes they pay you for listening music and writing reviews on it ( This might not work in India, you might need a VPN)
Write a constructive review of the song you hear, write about things you liked in that music. Give inputs more on the song pattern, the instruments on all parameters that helps the musician to improvise the song.
Earn money online through online surveys that are instant cash jobs, mostly sought by students to make quick money.
You are paid for your opinions about the products, brands. Most of the brands take the survey from the public before launching any products, or to know the feedback on products that are launched.
Are you interested to play games and if you have a smartphone all you need to register and get qualified to test mobile games.
For students who are doing their education in international universities, and you don’t mind sharing notes. You can upload your notes in these websites with a price and when someone downloads it you get paid.
This is something we already do for ourself , what if some one pay for it ??
Qmee rewards for your search on Google, Yahoo, Bing and Amazon and Ebay. All you need to do is install a simple broswe extension and search. Each results for your search will have a cash award for which you will need top complete a survey and earn. There is no minimum amount for the cash out. So this becomes the most easiest way to make some money for the students.
Are you interested in stock market and know basic math , then you can make some money through online trading. Know your region and the companies perform well. It is best to target companies are doing and business in our ” basic needs industies ” like food , cloth and housing.
Since there are many online platform choose the one your region to start trading.
If you have any doubts, feel free to comment or mail me, I would be very happy to help you.
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how to earn through wordpress .?
You mean by blogging through wordpress ??
Well through wordpress blogging its a long way, Adsense, wordpress add, sponsor post , affiliate marketing
Affiliate marketing works the best for new bloggers, amazon, cue links and there are some more .
Wow.. These are a lot of useful tips, Lijo. I hadn’t even heard of many of this before. Great post!
Wow! That was really nice. Pls follow my blog too